Non-agency adoption

Non-agency adoption includes all those categories of adoption where the adoption agency and the Adoption Panel do NOT play a part in the placement of the child for adoption.

These are

  • Partner adoptions (formerly known as stepparent adoption)
  • Anyone who has had care of the child (for any three-year period in the past five years)
  • Local authority foster parent(s) proceeding without the support of the adoption agency.

All non-agency adoptions have similar characteristics and there is a basic process to progress this via referral, counselling, provision of written information, assessment, and preparation of the
Annexe A report for court.

Depending on the type of non-agency adoption there may be extra elements included in the process and work.

Referrals relating to a non-agency adoption should be made via the multi-agency safeguarding hub or on 0333 240 1727.