Anna, aged 2

She likes being cuddled and sung to. She has a good relationship with her foster carers and their children...
Girl, two


Anna was removed from her parents care at 10 months old and placed in foster care.

Both birth parents had a long history of mental health issues, birth mother suffered from depression and birth father was bi-polar.

Birth mother originated from an Eastern European country. Anna’s parents were living a chaotic lifestyle and not able to prioritise her needs.

Anna presents as a happy, content and relaxed little girl.

She sleeps well and is up to date with all her immunisations. She has some developmental delay although she is making steady progress in all areas.

Anna is now walking and is having regular physiotherapy as she has showed some weakness in her muscle tone.

We don’t know how this will impact on Anna in the future.

Anna has several health professionals involved in her care including a paediatrician, dietitian, speech and language therapist and community nurse.

Anna likes being cuddled and sung to. She has a good relationship with her foster carers and their children.

She likes being read to; she especially likes fabric books where she can touch the different textures.

Anna attends nursery two mornings a week and has settled well. She enjoys painting and her playtime in the water and sand pit.

  • This is a composite case study to illustrate the children who are being placed for adoption. All names are changed and the photograph is a model image.