Carl, aged 6

Whilst Carl can be wary of new people, once he gets to know you, he relaxes and shows his outgoing, fun personality...
Boy on climbing wall


Carl has dark brown hair and big brown eyes; he is quite small in stature which is partly due to development delay.

When he first came into care 18 months ago, he presented as very quiet and reserved with little speech, however with the support of his hearing aids and extra help in school, his speech, language and social skills are improving.

Carl experienced significant neglect whilst in the care of his birth family. This has affected his physical and emotional development which means that he can present as being an extremely compliant little boy.

Carl will need adoptive parents who can support him with being able to express his needs and feelings.

Whilst Carl can be wary of new people, once he gets to know you, he relaxes and shows his outgoing, fun personality.

Carl is aware that we are seeking an adoptive family for him, and he has stated that he would like a mum and a dad.

It is hoped that Carl will be able to have ongoing direct contact with his older sister once he is placed for adoption.

  • This is a composite case study to illustrate the children who are being placed for adoption. All names are changed and the photograph is a model image.