Thinking about adopting?

Are you thinking of adopting but aren't sure whether it's right for you?

Adoption is a way of providing a new permanent family for children who cannot be cared for by their birth parents for many reasons.

The adopters become the child’s legal parents once a Court makes an Adoption Order. An Adoption Order ends the child’s legal relationship with his or her birth family and the child then becomes a full part of the adoptive family and takes the family’s last name.

There are many, many good reasons for wanting to adopt and your own reasons will be very personal to you.

It may be that you have a wish to be a parent but fertility issues mean that you cannot have a birth child. Or you may be gay and, whether single or a couple, adoption is the perfect way to build your family.

You may already have a family but feel you still have space for another child in your lives. Or you may feel that you have masses of love, security and happiness to offer to a child who has not had a great start in life and needs someone with your commitment.

Parenting adopted children, whilst presenting unique challenges, can be extremely rewarding.

If you are able to offer love, commitment, time, patience and the motivation to want to understand how your child sees the world, then that is a great start and the rewards will be limitless.

Children need families from all sorts of different backgrounds. Whether you are married or single, divorced or living with a partner, gay or straight, unemployed or disabled, and whatever your cultural background adoption may be for you.

If it's right for you and right for the child then any and all of these reasons are valid.

Explore more about adoption below, and find out how to request a call back, request an Information Pack, or book on to one of our Information Events.

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